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The Ultimate Guide for a Natural Spring Clean: (+ Free Printable Checklist)

The Ultimate Guide for a Natural Spring Clean: (+ Free Printable Checklist)

Spring Clean Pinterest.jpg

The days are getting longer which only means one thing. Spring is almost here and its time to give your home a little TLC and cleanse any trace of winter with a spring clean. It’s actually a super old concept, traditionally taking place during the first week of Lent

I’ve put together some tips and tricks on how to give your house a natural spring clean from from top to bottom along with a free printable spring clean checklist.

Running a little short on time? Focus on one room a week for a more manageable way to conquer the natural spring clean.


1. Refill your cleaning products

Before you get going, consider swapping out any empty cleaning products with natural alternatives. I have a great guide on how to make your own cleaning products from scratch using cheap, easy ingredients in my 20 DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes, Tips & Hacks. If you’d rather buy your own go for products without fragrances, irritants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and flammable ingredients. Ecoleaf, Ecover have create refillable options you can buy in bulk. Or to remove single use plastic completely, try OceanSaver.



Go through and pick up and remove clutter in each room before you start cleaning. Set aside some boxes for sorting: one for the charity shop, one for items to sell, one for attic storage and another for things to take to the dump. That means going through your cabinets for expired beauty products, expired medicine, out-of-date food and the drawers you’ve been putting off sorting for the last year! For food products that are nearing their expiry, take them out and create a meal plan with for the next few weeks so that they get used up and not wasted. Make a note of anything that needs refilling and buy in bulk so that you’re organised for the coming months.



Now have a good sort through of your wardrobe. Anything you don’t want give to charity or sell on sites like Facebook Marketplace, Ebay or Depop. Any old cotton basics that are worn out cut up to use as cleaning cloths. Put away your winter clothing (remember to clean first) in cotton garment bags. Keep one item of each category from your winter clothing in case the weather turns and you need boots or a thick jumper (which is likely if you’re in the UK like me!)



Start with dusting the ceilings, ceiling lights and wiping bulbs and work your way down to the floor. Don’t forget the walls! Use the brush attachment from your vaccuum to get rid of the dust on the walls and wipe with a damp cloth. Pay attention to the areas where you cook, enter the house or do your make up as these tend to be where oil, mud and beauty products splatter or accumulate. This will prevent dust from falling and messing up already cleaned surfaces. Use a lint roller for lampshades and clean grimy bulb with a lightly dampened cloth with vinegar. Caution: Be sure bulbs are cool to the touch and your hands are dry.



Spring cleaning gives you the opportunity to focus on the surfaces that you overlook during your daily or weekly cleans. Think skirting boards, door frames, walls and any surfaces hidden by furniture. Give them a good hoover and wash with warm soapy water.



Check the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector and while you’re there vacuum the grill. If you don't own a fire extinguisher, purchase one and keep it in the kitchen. You may also want to purchase one for your garage. Hand-check all outlets; if they’re warm, call your electrician. Have a chimney? Book a chimney sweep. Finally book a boiler service (annually).



Ideally, clean on a cloudy day as they are less likely to streak when they aren’t warm from the sun. You can use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and finish with a squeegee or glass polishing cloth.



Fresh air and sunshine go a long way! So throw open the windows and let the clean Spring air help get rid of any stuffiness. Take out any area rugs you have and hang them over your washing line (or a wall will do) to get rid of any dust.



Focus on door handles, light switches, locks, kitchen cabinet handles. Spray with a natural antibacterial spray.


9. room-by-room tips: LOUNGE

Start by cleaning and hoovering under all the furniture.

  • Wash your cushion covers, blankets and use a lint roller to get rid of any dust build up on your lampshades.

  • Don’t forget to vacuum your sofas too. Remove sofa cushions and perform a mini boxing workout by whacking the cushions evenly to distribute the cushion fibres. It’s proven to make your sofa last longer.

  • Finally get any remotes for your tv or games console and wipe with a anti--bacterial spray.


10. room-by-room tips: kitchen

Start with degreasing the kitchen cabinets, these have a tendency to accumulate dust and grease, espeically those with ridges.

  • Refrigerator: Remove shelving and clean with warm soapy water.

  • Freezer: Defrost

  • Dishwasher: Remove racks, shelves and utensil rack and using a toothpick carefully remove any food residues or detergent build-ups from the holes of the spinning arm. Remove and wash the filter, racks and utensils using a toothbrush and warm soapy water and baking soda. Dip a cloth in vinegar and wipe the door seal (vinegar will remove mould smell and prevent mould). Place a glass measuring jug (or similar) filled with two cups of distilled white vinegar on the top rack and run a normal cycle without detergent or dishes.

  • Washing machine: Remove detergent draw and clean with your normal cleaning spray. Clean the door seal. Clean out the filter (usually located along the lower edge of the machine, behind a hinged cover.) Carefully free the emergency drain tube unplug and allow any trapped water to drain off into a bowl. Replace the plug, remove the bowl and lay a towel on the floor. Carefully unscrew or release the filter cover. Any trapped debris should run out with the trapped water, but check inside the cavity to be sure. Wipe around with a cloth, clean any components and replace the cover. To clean the drum, add 500mls of soda crystals into the drum directly and put on a hot wash.

  • Kettle: Pour one cup of water and one cup of vinegar into the kettle. Boil and let the mixture sit undisturbed for a few hours. Drain the water, rinse several times and boil again so there’s nothing left in the kettle.

  • Microwave: In a bowl, combine one cup of water, one cup of vinegar, and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Place the bowl in the centre of your microwave and set on high for two minutes and wipe with a damp cloth.

  • Toaster: Remove and wash the crumb tray.

  • Oven: Sprinkle baking soda over the bottom of the oven, then spray vinegar over it. Leave overnight and wipe clean in the morning.


11. room-by-room tips: BathROOM

  • Shower head: Fill a sandwich bag with baking soda and vinegar and tie it around the showerhead using an elastic band, leaving overnight to soak. In the morning, gently scrub with an old toothbrush to remove scale and debris.

  • Tile Grout: Scrub with a paste made out of bicarbonate of soda and water, then rub on to dirty grout using an old toothbrush. Tip! An electric toothbrush with an old head will work amazingly well if you want to save some effort! Work it well into the grout. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it over the bicarb mix. It should start bubbling up into a thick mixture that is perfect for tackling grout. Use your toothbrush to scrub away the grime. Rinse well with water

  • Drain - clean hair out of the shower drain and pour in a natural drain cleaner (use bicarb & vinegar recipe in 20 DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes, Tips & Hacks).


12. room-by-room tips: BEDROOM

In the bedroom, rotate and flip mattresses. Wash blankets and comforters, or take them to be cleaned. Wash mattress pads and bed skirts. Clean area rugs or have them dry-cleaned. To clean your pillows, hang them outside in the fresh air, or freshen them with the air (no heat) cycle of your clothes dryer

Vacuum your mattress or remove the cover and clean in the washing machine according to instructions. Finish by rotating and flipping.

Now for your jewellery.

  • Silver: Make a paste with three parts baking soda one part water, then use a soft cloth to wipe the piece clean.

  • Gold: Drop your jewellery in a small bowl of vinegar and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse them well with hot water and then pat dry with a soft cloth.


Download your Free Natural Spring Clean Printable Checklist here


I hope this guide and checklist makes your natural spring clean a little easier! Let me know how you get on in the comments or tag me on Instagram @madeleineolivia

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